Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Namerovsky gives commentary on his new homemade cat bed

When Mom visited, she brought me some fabric to make Namerovsky a winter bed - flannel, one with monkeys, and one green with an SPCA print.

Namerovsky got a new bed for winter. Somehow, I miscalculated and it ended up big enough for a big dog. I wanted to make a cuddly little donut for him to curl up in, like this site (thanks, whoever you are).

I measured Namerovsky at like 20 inches, but somehow it came out really really big.

Namerovsky comments on new bed

I cut it down to half the size (and actually have fabric for another bed left over, may make it and give it to B.B. Av's parents' yippie dog, unless someone else claims it. Maybe I should auction it for a donation to the shelter? Or have a contest and give it to my craziest cat lover reader?)

So now that it actually fits him:
You just couldn't leave well enough alone.

It has to be on his chair, or he won't go into it.

Believe it or not, I almost added a pouch for a built-in hot water bottle. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine a cat so spoiled.

I filled it with old clothes we were going to toss, Berkeley sweatshirts with bong water stains, etc., so that it would be washable, unlike cotton batting. I think I'll even leave the seam open so that I can pull the insides out easily and wash.

And just in case he was not clear enough:

And yes, it always looks like that, though usually I clean the mirror better.


Anonymous said...

well who would want your bed on the floor when you can have a bird's eye view??

tracy said...

"Course, Namer wouldn't pose in his new cozy bed...."Make me"....i love him, he is sooooo all cat!. i also love your bathroom counter!