If you're thinking of getting a pet and don't for whatever reason, do it (from a shelter, please). I didn't because I didn't want the mess or the expense and I also am horribly allergic...but even this stupid fat little guy is soooooo worth it. I went from being anti-pet to thinking of getting another. They help you stop worrying, live in the moment, they don't care how screwed up you are, and they're warm and soft, and another little creature in the house that keeps you from ever being alone.
Here's my ridiculous cat, stealing salad. You can't turn your back for a minute.
Catch up on sleep. Then have a real vacation. And keep the Namer anecdotes and pictures coming. We love em.
I actually do have some good Namer stories that I didn't post. He fell off the side of the mountain behind the house...B.B. Av nearly after him, but he popped back up after a few minutes.
Then, he disappeared for a while...and turns out he was a guest at the neighbors' barbeque (we weren't invited). My cat is more social than I am. He showed back up once the party died down.
And he can still be out all day, but when he has to take a piss, home he comes to use the house...
Forgot to mention, this is a vegetarian house, and the neighbors are Venezuelans and were having some big beef asado with good meat...so he went over there to enjoy.
I'm really jealous about Namerovsky (in a good way). I've been wanting a pet for a while now, mostly a dog, but my mom is terrified of dogs and cats are not a popular suggestion, either. I guess it won't happen until I get my own place again.
Funnily enough, though my dad professes not to like cats, cats LOVE my dad. Everywhere we go, if there is a cat, the cat will follow my dad and want to cuddle with him (my dad will give into the cat's fancies if the cat is insistent enough). I think it's funny because cats are picky, and they seem to specifically like him. Who knows, maybe he wouldn't hate having one so much.
Also, he likes SALADS? Hehe.
I'mn thinking more Thailand.
Congrats on finishing!
Greece or Greek islands seem high on your list, no?
I agree with Thailand.
Yeah, but just the idea of 8 hours of flight and then getting to the islands sounds exhausting.
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