Last night, at 3:43 AM, I woke up in a start, having heard something that sounded like a mouse walking in the kitchen. The kitchen is on the other end of the apartment, which only goes to show what an insanely light sleeper I am. I got up to investigate, and sure enough, a little brown mouse ran along the baseboards. Fuck.
I was hoping Namerovsky would deal with it, because those are actually his most active hours, where he usually wakes me up by knocking over a multivitamin bottle and kicking it around (those things are SO LOUD). I went and informed a sleeping B.B. Av of the situation.
"Where's Namerovsky?" he said.
Namerovsky was wedged between the piles of books beside my bed, sleeping.
I made B.B. Av set up some mousetraps in a way that Namerovsky wouldn't get caught, which means that the mouse didn't either. Before he got back in bed, I heard him telling Namerovsky, "Now is your time to shine."
Then, I couldn't get back to sleep, so I started The Wind in the Willows again. I finally fell asleep, but then the owners upstairs started drilling in a way that was so loud it made my house shake. This went on for hours. It was impossible to read or talk or anything. I threatened to move loudly, to myself mostly. Sometimes I think it's time to get annoyed at different stuff than I get annoyed at here.
* * *
Namerovsky also almost gave me a concussion the other day. Lately, he flips out when we go anywhere without him and climbs in the car, on the hood, etc, and it is a big scene to get him out. The worst is watching this tiny, sad face as we drive away. Seeing as the last time he was taken anywhere, he got a 12 gauge needle with a microchip in the neck, he's pretty friendly if he still wants to go places with me.
I went grocery shopping and came back, and as I was turning off the radio and unbuckling, a little cat face appeared in the driver side window; Namerovsky was standing on the door, peeking in. I got him out of the way and opened the door and went to the trunk to unload.
I opened the trunk, and Namerovsky jumped in. Fine. I kept unloading, but then he disappeared behind the end of the trunk, sort of wedging himself inside the backseat, or between the trunk and the backseat. And then, of course, he couldn't get out.
This would not have been a big deal, except that I remembered vaguely a quirk of the Blue Shark - it's back seat is broken and cannot be removed/opened forward.
Fuck. It was a million degrees out. I started trying to think of a solution. My best idea was to cut into the back panel of the trunk. I was leaning into the trunk to try to see what could be done, when mysteriously, the lid of the trunk, for no apparent reason, came crashing down, almost knocking me out. I moved my head out of there just in time, a little freaked out.
But - surprise - there was Namerovsky, standing tall on the now-closed trunk lid. His weight had knocked it down. I have no idea how he got out of the backseat, and then out of a locked car, and made it onto the top of the car/trunk.
I love how you can say "...hit Istanbul... and maybe Greece..." the way I can only say "...hit Massachusetts... and maybe far southern New Brunswick." Sounds so exotic and alluring. Hope you have fun!
Houdini move over...Namer is about :-)
"The Perfect Citizen's"? OMG. They sound exactly like my young nicece's and their husband's whom i am now spending time with, in the flesh...."You Have to see the b a b y "...(shamelessly stolen fom "Seinfeld".) Here i am. Amomg perfection...sigh. i hope you are alright after your attack from the car! Please be careful!
i'm so jealous, istanbul!!! now i know why it's cool to live in the middle-east.
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